
PhD Thesis

Smaga Ł. (2013) D-optimal chemical balance weighing designs with various forms of the covariance matrix of random errors, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adam Mickiewicz University.

Habilitation Thesis

Smaga Ł. (2020) Selected statistical tests for real and functional data, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adam Mickiewicz University.


Journal papers

1. Ditzhaus M., Smaga Ł. (2025) Inference for all variants of the multivariate coefficient of variation in factorial designs. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 52, 270-294. link
2. Wydra J., Smaga Ł., Matuszewski S. (2025) Forensically useful mid-term and short-term temperature reconstruction for quasi-indoor death scenes. Science & Justice 65, 43-51. link
3. Krzyśko M., Smaga Ł. (2024) Application of distance standard deviation in functional data analysis. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 18, 431-454. link
4. Kuryło K., Smaga Ł. (2024) Functional repeated measures analysis of variance and its application. Statistics in Transition new series 25(2), 185-204. link
5. Wydra J., Smaga Ł., Matuszewski S. (2024) Improving accuracy of age estimates for insect evidence - calibration of physiological age at emergence (k) using insect size but without "k versus size" model. Forensic Sciences Research 9, 1-6. link
6. Smaga Ł. (2024) Projection tests for linear hypothesis in the functional response model. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 53, 1402-1419. link
7. Reszke M., Smaga Ł. (2023) Machine learning methods in the detection of brain tumors. Biometrical Letters 60, 125-148. link
8. Ogłoszka A.M., Smaga Ł. (2022) Classification methods in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Biometrical Letters 59, 99-126. link
9. Zhang J-T., Smaga Ł. (2022) Two-sample test for equal distributions in separate metric space: New maximum mean discrepancy based approaches. Electronic Journal of Statistics 16, 4090-4132. link
10. Ditzhaus M., Smaga Ł. (2022) Permutation test for the multivariate coefficient of variation in factorial designs. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 187, 104848. link
11. Krzyśko M., Smaga Ł., Kokoszka P. (2022) Marginal distance and Hilbert-Schmidt covariances-based independence tests for multivariate functional data. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 73, 1355-1384. link
12. Jasiczak J., Kanoniczak M., Smaga Ł. (2022) Stochastic number of concrete families and the likelihood of such a value. Archives of Civil Engineering LXVIII, 27-44. link
13. Smaga Ł. (2021) General linear hypothesis testing in functional response model. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 50,
14. Chwiałkowska J., Smaga Ł., Oleskowicz-Popiel P. (2021) Operating parameters in open culture fermentation of sugars. Biosystems Engineering 210,
15. Krzyśko M., Wołyński W., Domin M., Hanusz Z., Rydzak L., Smaga Ł., Wojtyła A. (2021) Functional analysis of the differences in the dimensions of two types of boiled and steamed rice grains. International Journal of Food Science, Article ID 5546016,
16. Krzyśko M., Smaga Ł. (2021) Two-sample tests for functional data using characteristic functions. Austrian Journal of Statistics 50, 53-64.
17. Smaga Ł. (2021) One-way repeated measures ANOVA for functional data. In: Chadjipadelis T., Lausen B., Markos A., Lee T.R., Montanari A., Nugent R. (eds) Data Analysis and Rationality in a Complex World. IFCS 2019. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Springer, Cham. 243-251
18. Jarno K., Smaga Ł. (2020) The use of the bootstrap method for the assessment of investment effectiveness and risk - the case of confidence intervals estimation for the Sharpe ratio and TailVaR. Journal of Banking and Financial Economics 13(1),
19. Smaga Ł. (2020) Inference for general MANOVA based on ANOVA-type statistic. In: Imaizumi T., Okada A., Miyamoto S., Sakaori F., Yamamoto Y., Vichi M. (eds) Advanced Studies in Classification and Data Science. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Springer, Singapore. 241-254. link
20. Krzyśko M., Smaga Ł. (2020) Measuring and testing mutual dependence of multivariate functional data. Statistics in Transition new series 21, 21-37. link
21. Pauly M., Smaga Ł. (2020) Asymptotic permutation tests for coefficients of variation and standardised means in general one-way ANOVA models. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 29, 2733-2748. link
22. Smaga Ł., Zhang J.-T. (2020) Linear hypothesis testing for weighted functional data with applications. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 47, 493-515. link
23. Smaga Ł. (2020) A note on repeated measures analysis for functional data. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis 104, 117-139. link
24. Krzyśko M., Smaga Ł. (2020) Robust multivariate functional discriminant coordinates. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 49(3), 717-733. link
25. Blinch J., Flindall J.W., Smaga Ł., Jung K., Gonzalez C.L.R. (2019) The left cerebral hemisphere may be dominant for the control of bimanual symmetric reach-to-grasp movements. Experimental Brain Research 237(12), 3297-3311. link
26. Kubacka M., Smaga Ł. (2019) Effectiveness of Natura 2000 areas for environmental protection in 21 European countries. Regional Environmental Change 19(7), 2079-2088. link
27. Smaga Ł. (2019) Projection-based repeated measures analysis for functional data. Steland, A., Rafajłowicz, E., Okhrin, O. (eds.) Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 294, pp. 229-237. link
28. Smaga Ł. (2019) Repeated measures analysis for functional data using Box-type approximation - with applications. REVSTAT - Statistical Journal 17(4), 523-549. link
29. Krzyśko M., Smaga Ł. (2019) A multivariate coefficient of variation for functional data. Statistics and Its Interface 12(4), 647-658. link
30. Górecki T., Smaga Ł. (2019) fdANOVA: An R software package for analysis of variance for univariate and multivariate functional data. Computational Statistics 34(2), 571-597. link
31. Krzyśko M., Smaga Ł. (2019) Robust estimation in canonical correlation analysis for multivariate functional data. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 48(2), 521-535. link
32. Smaga Ł., Zhang J.-T. (2019) Linear hypothesis testing with functional data. Technometrics 61(1), 99-110. link
33. Lach A., Smaga Ł. (2018) Comparison of the goodness-of-fit tests for truncated distributions. Przegląd Statystyczny LXV(3), 296-313. link
34. Smaga Ł., Matsui H. (2018) A note on variable selection in functional regression via random subspace method. Statistical Methods and Applications 27, 455-477. link
35. Krzyśko M., Smaga Ł. (2018) Selected robust logistic regression specification for classification of multi-dimensional functional data in presence of outliers. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica 2 (334), 53-66. link
36. Smaga Ł. (2017) Bootstrap methods for multivariate hypothesis testing. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 46, 7654-7667. link
37. Smaga Ł. (2017) A two-sample test based on cluster subspaces for equality of mean vectors in high dimension. Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics 37, 147-156. link
38. Jasiczak J., Kanoniczak M., Smaga Ł. (2017) Division of series of concrete compressive strength results into concrete families in terms of seasons within annual work period. Journal of Computer Engineering & Information Technology 6:6, DOI: 10.4172/2324-9307.1000187. link
39. Krzyśko M., Smaga Ł. (2017) An application of functional multivariate regression model to multiclass classification. Statistics in Transition new series 18, 433-442. link
40. Smaga Ł. (2017) E-optimal and highly E-efficient designs with n=3 (mod 4) correlated observations. Linear and Multilinear Algebra 65, 2293-2305. link
41. Katulska K., Smaga Ł. (2017) On highly D-efficient designs with non-negatively correlated observations. REVSTAT Statistical Journal 15, 443-453. link Supplementary Materials
42. Górecki T., Smaga Ł. (2017) Multivariate analysis of variance for functional data. Journal of Applied Statistics 44, 2172-2189. link
43. Smaga Ł. (2017) Diagonal and unscaled Wald-type tests in general factorial designs. Electronic Journal of Statistics 11, 2613-2646. link
44. Smaga Ł. (2016) A note on the D-optimality and D-efficiency of nonorthogonal blocked main effects plans. Biometrical Letters 53, 119-131. link
45. Smaga Ł. (2016) A note on D-optimal chemical balance weighing designs with autocorrelated observations. Statistical Papers 57, 721-730. link pdf
46. Katulska K., Smaga Ł. (2016) D-optimal and highly D-efficient designs with non-negatively correlated observations. Kybernetika 52, 575-588. link pdf Supplementary Materials
47. Górecki T., Smaga Ł. (2015) A comparison of tests for the one-way ANOVA problem for functional data. Computational Statistics 30, 987-1010. link
48. Smaga Ł. (2015) Wald-type statistics using {2}-inverses for hypothesis testing in general factorial designs. Statistics and Probability Letters 107, 215-220. link
49. Smaga Ł. (2015) Uniquely E-optimal designs with n=2 (mod 4) correlated observations. Linear Algebra and its Applications 473, 297-315. link
50. Jasiczak J., Kanoniczak M., Smaga Ł. (2015) Stochastic identity of test result series of the compressive strength of concrete in industrial production conditions. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 15, 584-592. link
51. Jasiczak J., Kanoniczak M., Smaga Ł. (2014) Normowe pojęcie rodzina betonów na przykładzie ciągłej produkcji płyt Spiroll. Budownictwo i Architektura 13, 99-108. link pdf
52. Katulska K., Smaga Ł. (2014) A note on D-efficiency of biased chemical balance weighing designs. Colloquium Biometricum 44, 25-34. link pdf
53. Jasiczak J., Kanoniczak M., Smaga Ł. (2014) Statistical division of compressive strength results on the aspect of concrete family concept. Computers and Concrete 14, 145-161. link
54. Smaga Ł. (2014) Necessary and sufficient conditions in the problem of D-optimal weighing designs with autocorrelated errors. Statistics and Probability Letters 92, 12-16. link
55. Katulska K., Smaga Ł. (2013) A note on D-optimal chemical balance weighing designs and their application. Colloquium Biometricum 43, 37-45. link pdf
56. Katulska K., Smaga Ł. (2013) D-optimal chemical balance weighing designs with autoregressive errors. Metrika 76:3, 393-407. link
57. Katulska K., Smaga Ł. (2012) On some D-optimal chemical balance weighing design with n=2 (mod 4). Colloquium Biometricum 42, 67-75. link pdf
58. Katulska K., Smaga Ł. (2012) D-optimal chemical balance weighing designs with n=0 (mod 4) and 3 objects. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 41:13-14, 2445-2455. link
59. Katulska K., Smaga Ł. (2011) D-optimal biased chemical balance weighing designs. Colloquium Biometricum 41, 143-153. link pdf
60. Katulska K., Smaga Ł. (2010) On some construction of D-optimal chemical balance weighing designs. Colloquium Biometricum 40, 155-164. link pdf

Popularization of mathematics

1. Smaga Ł. (2016) Linear regression, the use of linear functions in statistical analysis II (in Polish). Poznańska Fundacja Matematyczna. link
2. Smaga Ł. (2016) Linear regression, the use of linear functions in statistical analysis (in Polish). Poznańska Fundacja Matematyczna. link
